Sunday, April 18, 2010

I Want to Write

I really do, but I keep drawing a blank when I try to think about writing something specific. Maybe if I write a post that has absolutely nothing to do with anything my writer's and reader's block will go away. Yes, reader's block. I just cannot get into any books right now. I have forced my way through two graphic novels this week, but that's it. In the past two WEEKS I've only read three graphic novels. Oh, and TON of online Harry Potter fan fiction. Like, twenty books worth of it. Who would have thought that I would actually be interested in imagining what it would be like if Hermione Granger married Severus Snape. Weird, I know.

On a different note, my mom came down to VA to visit and hang out this weekend. She came Friday afternoon and stayed until Saturday evening. Definitely had a blast with her. Always do. We went to the local library booksale together on Saturday. Then we visited the used bookstore in Manassas. Here's a random thought from my time with my mom. Do you have ANY idea how impossible it is to find an original version of Boggle? Like, seriously. Mom and I went to Target AND Wal-Mart and couldn't find it at either store. Both had an electronic version, but believe me when I say that it would never be able to handle the amount of play an original version would be able to.

I really need to catch up with all my blog reading too. I've been lurking on a few blogs, but for the most part I've not even read the blogs that I follow on a regular basis. How sad is that? I need to focus. That's my problem. Right now I feel like a little kid in a toy store. Too many toys, not enough time to play. *sigh* I don't have ADD, Mr. Policeman, but that bird that flew in front of my car was soo pretty that I just HAD to look instead of paying attention to where I was driving. I really didn't mean to hit the other car. (j/k I've not been THAT bad, yet.)

Anyway, I'm gonna go. See if I can convince my boxer baby to play fetch with me outside while the sun is still up. Gotta go grab a sweatshirt. Bye for now.


Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

I hope that helped your writers and readers block!

Diane said...

Yea! Had lots of fun seeing you. The time was just too short. Had fun playing the game on Friday and running around on Saturday.

Darlyn Azlinda said...

hi Hannah..I also lack of finding time to visit other blogs. it's not that i dont want to but i cant. however, i think we need a break form all this once in a while.. *LOL*

hope you have a great day =)

Kimmay said...

hi Hannah!!! :)

Tahereh said...

omg i know EXACTLY what you mean. *big sigh*

sometimes we just go through that strange dry phase, you know? like i had these creepily weird couple of weeks where i didn't want to read OR write. i (kid you not) wanted to watch TELEVISION!!


i know. so embarrassing.

don't worry, bestie. it will pass, i promise. ;D



Teddyree said...

The days and weeks are flying by and I'm only just getting back into blog visiting, I've missed everyone but life is so busy it's hard to find the time to spend the time online that I'd like to :-)

We have Boggle, such a fun game, both my boys loved playing it but I'd kind of forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder, must dig it out for a games night. My 15 year old and I played Monopoly for 4 hours last weekend :-)

United Studies said...

I feel like I could have written that post! I think I am suffering from ADHD...can't focus on anything for too long!