Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Whoo Hoo! My Very first Award EVER!

dArLyN might just be my new favorite person. She just sent me my very first blog award ever! (THANKS, dArLyN!!!)

So here I am passing on the "Your Blog is sooooooo Kewl!" Award.

First up is Rachel. Rachel is my younger sister who is REALLY bad at posting consistently, but when she does post she drags you into her story or anecdote or whatever else she writing. I love when she updates cause it's like sitting down with her for a quick chat even though we're two states away from each other. Maybe now that she's got an award to post, she'll actually update again. ;-) Love you, Rach!

Second, is Jacki. I've actually met Jacki before and she's just as funny and wonderful in real life as she is in writing.

Third is Kristen. She was blogger who, whether she knows it or not (well, she does now), got me into reading all of the other book blogs that have helped to satisfy my hunger for reading.

And last, I've got to send it back to dArLyN. I love reading her blogs and her thoughts on books.
Again, thank you, dArLyN for the award. I'm absolutely thrilled that you chose me to pass this award on to.


Darlyn said...

yeay!congratulations hannah! i know you will love this *LOL*

Rachel Lynn said...

Thanks, Han! You're totally trying to guilt me into posting more often!