Friday, March 12, 2010


Do you ever feel so tired that you literally want to go to sleep and never wake up? I mean NEVER. No, I'm not suicidal. lol. Just weary. Weary of life in general. Weary from work. From people.

Joseph keeps asking me if I'm okay tonight. "I'm fine." I reply. Everytime. There's nothing wrong with me. I just don't want to talk. Don't want to sleep. Don't want to think. Don't want to read. Don't. Want. Anything.

I feel like the bear in the picture looks. Dazed. Lonely. Tired. And I don't want to go to sleep.

Does this mean something IS wrong with me?


Anna Payne said...

Hmm.... yep, definitely have felt that way before - more than once. Hope that life looks up a bit tomorrow!

Alicia said...

Only if being human, or worse, female, means something is wrong with you. Go out with a friend - or call one - or call me :^) You'll feel better. :^)

Darlyn said...

i sometime feel that way. so i think it's normal..just be yourself and happy..

Rachel Lynn said...

It's hard not to get weary of well-doing and LIFE in general. That's why Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 15 - to explain that we aren't supposed to revel in every day life with the philosophy "eat, drink, for tomorrow we die." We are to continue in our labor because there IS a resurrection and in due season$ we SHALL reap if we faint not!

Macie said...

that happens to me all the time!! that is when you just need to get away from it all..for me that includes packing a bag, charging my ipod and leaving for a weekend...for you..may i suggest music and a book?? :)

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

PMS? Just joking... I hope that you are feeling a bit more picked up now.