Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Ashley, my brother-in-law's girlfriend, had the brilliant idea of having pictures of Joseph, Me, Mike and her framed for the boys' parents for Christmas. Joseph grew that idea and suggested doing the same for the boys' grandparents. These are what we got from MY camera. Ashley will compare my pics and the pics on her camera and will choose the best then frame them for the 'rents and grandparents. Don't tell Joseph that his picture is on the internet now.

Joseph, Me, Ashley, and Mike

This is actually take two. The pic below was first.

What!?! It was windy.

And THIS is my favorite. Me and my wonderful hubby, Joseph.


Alicia said...

I like the windy one - it's very cute. :^)

United Studies said...

You look so much like your sister...beautiful! Very nice pictures.

Hannah said...

Thank you, Jacki. Yep! It's those genes from our dad. LOL! I think our whole family looks like him.